H1C IDR 2.2 is a re-release of 18 days of calibrated data products from late 2017, part of HERA's first science observing season. It follows up on IDR 2.1, our first internal data release. That release was described in this memo at reionization.org. This memo builds on that memo, and though the overlap is substantial, ID2.2 has a number of improvements:
. Previously, they were simply excluded.omnical
, and proper normalization of $\chi^2 / DoF$. The visibility solutions from omnical
are updated to include absolute calibration in flagging later in the pipeline.This jupyter notebook
memo is designed to be run when logged into NRAO. It is available as a .ipynb via github. In addition to the standard python libraries, it requires pyuvdata, hera_cal, and hera_qm. For more information on access, see the HERA wiki. For ongoing discussions, join the #hera-analysis Slack channel or our
telecons on Wednesdays at 10am Pacific in the HERA Zoom room.
from __future__ import print_function, division, absolute_import
import numpy as np
The day-by-day data, along with the pipeline settings file used (makeflow/idr2_2.toml
), and the LST-binned data can be found in:
!ls /lustre/aoc/projects/hera/H1C_IDR2/IDR2_2
analysis_folder = '/lustre/aoc/projects/hera/H1C_IDR2/IDR2_2'
H1C IDR 2.2 includes 18 nearly-consecutive nights of data. All data products are sorted by JD into the following folders on the NRAO servers, which also contain softlinks to raw H1C IDR 2 data in the .uvh5
format and antenna metrics released by the commissioning team. Each night has 73 raw visibility files. Each file has 4 polarizations, 1024 frequency channels and (usually) 60 integrations, each 10.7374 seconds.
More information about the data products blessed by the commissioning team team are on the HERA wiki.
import glob, os
for night in sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(analysis_folder,'245*'))):
print(night, 'has', len(glob.glob(night + '/*HH.uvh5')), 'raw visibility files.')
The HERA collaboration uses pyuvdata
(for more, see pyuvdata's documentation) as a standard pythonic interface between data and calibration file formats and in-memory objects. The HERA Analysis team uses subclasses of pyuvdata objects with a number of extra capabilities, namely HERAData
and HERACal
For a more complete demonstration of the capabilities of the hera_cal.io
module, refer to this example notebook.
Raw HERA visibility files for IDR2 blessed by the commissioning team have the format zen.2458098.43124.HH.uvh5
which can be interpreted as:
: zenith pointing2458098
: Julian date integer43124
: first five decimal digits of the time of the first integration in the file HH
: "HERA Hex", visibilities purely between HERA core antennasuvh5
: file extension for uvh5
files, a hdf5-based, pyuvdata
-compliant data format for visibilitiesbl = (25, 51, 'xx')
sample_data_file = os.path.join(analysis_folder, '2458098/zen.2458098.43124.HH.uvh5')
# this is the baseline and file we examine through this notebook
from hera_cal.io import HERAData
hd = HERAData(sample_data_file)
print('This file has', len(hd.times), 'integrations', 'and', len(hd.freqs), 'frequency channels.')
HERAData objects (when initialized with uvh5
files) automatically load relevant metadata and store in the object, including times
, freqs
, antpos
, bls
, pols
, and lsts
data, flags, nsamples = hd.read(bls=[bl]) # only loads a single bl; default loads all bls
The data
, flags
, and nsamples
loaded through hera_cal.io
are stored in DataContainer
objects, which act like dictionaries mapping baseline tuples in the (ant1,ant2,pol)
format like (65,71,'xx')
to waterfalls of shape (Ntimes, Nfreqs)
. DataContainers support getting data and flags via []
and normal dictionary functions like .keys()
, .values()
, .items()
, .has_key()
. They also know to conjugate data when the reversed baseline key is provided and they abstract away polarization capitalization convetions:
print(np.all(data[25, 51, 'xx'] == np.conj(data[51, 25, 'xx'])))
print(np.all(data[25, 51, 'XX'] == data[25, 51, 'xx']))
This then allows for easy data access and plotting, such as:
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
%matplotlib inline
plt.figure(figsize=(12,3), dpi=100)
plt.imshow(np.angle(data[bl]) / (~flags[bl]), aspect='auto', cmap='twilight',
extent=[hd.freqs[0]/1e6, hd.freqs[-1]/1e6, hd.times[-1]-2458098, hd.times[0]-2458098])
plt.ylabel('JD - 2458098')
plt.xlabel('Frequency (MHz)')
plt.title('Raw Visibilities: ' + str(bl))
plt.colorbar(label='Phase (Radians)', aspect=8, pad=.025);
The data taken for IDR2.2 began on 2458098 and ended on 2458116 with 52 antennas (~40 working well). Bad antennas, are summarized in this folder:
bad_ants_folder = '/users/heramgr/hera_software/hera_opm/pipelines/h1c/idr2/v2/bad_ants/'
bad_ants = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(bad_ants_folder, '2458098.txt')).astype(int)
print('Bad antennas on 2458098:', bad_ants)
These bad antennas be include those identified by the commissioning team as bad as well as several that were found to be particularly non-redundant in an earlier round of analysis. We can visualize the array on 2458098 as follows:
plt.figure(figsize=(5,4), dpi=100)
plt.scatter(np.array(list(hd.antpos.values()))[:,0], np.array(list(hd.antpos.values()))[:,1],
c=[ant in bad_ants for ant in hd.antpos.keys()], s=400, cmap='jet')
for ant,pos in hd.antpos.items():
plt.text(pos[0],pos[1],str(ant), va='center', ha='center', color='w')
plt.xlabel("East-West [meters]")
plt.ylabel("North-South [meters]")
plt.title('Antenna Positions on 2458098 (Red = Flagged)');
All data in this IDR come from antennas in the Southwest sector of the split HERA core.
Additionally, we inherit antenna metrics from the commissioning team. These come in json files with the format zen.2458098.43124.HH.uv.ant_metrics.json
. These can be read hera_qm.ant_metrics.load_antenna_metrics()
The list of bad antennas generated by ant_metrics
is generally a subset of the flagged antennas, but both are ORed together on a file-by-file basis. These antennas are left in all data/calibration files, but their flag arrays are all True
The IDR 2.2 pipeline was run using hera_opm, which interfaces with the Makeflow Workflow System. The configuration files with the specific parameters used, associated bash scripts, and other files related bad antennas can all be found here.
Below is a flowchart (which also lives in hera_opm
) detailing all the analysis steps in IDR 2.2, including the interdependencies of the pipeline and the outputs at various steps.
from IPython.display import IFrame
IFrame('https://nbviewer.jupyter.org/github/HERA-Team/hera_opm/blob/' +
'master/pipelines/h1c/idr2/v2/Analysis_Flowchart.pdf', 980, 1650)
The mainline daily analysis pipeline includes several steps of calibration, RFI-flagging, and an optional delay-filtering step.
Redundant-baseline calibration solves for antenna gains and visibility solutions in order to minimize the difference between the observations and the model visibilities, expressed in terms of $\chi^2$:
$\chi^2(t,\nu) = \sum_{i,j} |V_{ij}^\text{obs}(t,\nu) - g_i(t,\nu) g_j^*(t,\nu) V_{i-j}^\text{sol}(t,\nu)|^2 / \sigma^2_{ij}$.
The idea of redundant calibration is to solve for $g_i$ and $V_{ij}^\text{sol}$ simultaneously, taking advantage of the fact that there are far more total visibility measurements than unique baselines. This process takes place in three steps, firstcal
, logcal
, and lincal
which iteratively searches for the minimum value of $\chi^2$ by first restricting degrees of freedom (firstcal
finds one delay and one phase offset per antenna), finding an approximate per-frequency calibration solution with logcal
, and then refining that solution with lincal
This procedure operates on xx
and yy
visibilities independently, cross-polarized visibilities are not used. Each time, frequency, and polarization has four degeneracies that cannot be solved for with redundant calibration (because they do not affect $\chi^2$):
For a more detailed, pedagogical explanation of the degeneracies of redundant-baseline calibration, see Section 2 of this paper.. A thorough overview of the results from redundant calibration of HERA data in IDR 2.2 is forthcoming in Dillon et al. (in prep.).
New in IDR 2.2:
has been rewritten to use the linsolve
package and to iteratively solve for phase offsets (as opposed to just delays). lincal
is no longer uses the omnical
package but rather a pure python implementation of it in hera_cal.redcal
, which is both faster and more accurate (see HERA Memo #50). As the above diagram indicates, the output of redundant calibration includes firstcal
calibration solutions, omnical
calibration solutions, and omnical
visibility solutions for unique baselines. The latter is output as a .uvh5
file, albeit with fewer baselines than the full data (only one per unique separation). The first two are saved as .calfits
files. Calibration solution in .calfits
files can be read with pyuvdata
or using the HERACal
subclass in an analogous way to HERAData
's .read()
function returns gains, flags, and $\chi^2$ per antenna, and overall $\chi^2$. In the omnical
calibration solutions, that $\chi^2$ is a properly normalized $\chi^2/DOF$.
from hera_cal.io import HERACal
from hera_cal.utils import split_bl
ant = split_bl(bl)[0]
# load firstcal gains and flags
firstcal_file = os.path.join(analysis_folder, '2458098/zen.2458098.43124.HH.first.calfits')
hc = HERACal(firstcal_file)
fc_gains, fc_flags, _, _ = hc.read()
# load redundant calibration gains, flags, chi^2 per antenna, and chi^2 / DoF
omnical_file = os.path.join(analysis_folder, '2458098/zen.2458098.43124.HH.omni.calfits')
hc = HERACal(omnical_file)
oc_gains, oc_flags, oc_quals, oc_total_quals = hc.read()
Note that relevant information about the files produced (git hashes, command line invocation, etc.) by the pipeline is available in their histories:
def waterfall_column(waterfalls, flags, titles, clims=None, clabels=None, cmaps=None, ylims=None,
ylabel='JD - 2458098', extents=None, hspace=.1, figsize=(12,6), dpi=100):
'''Useful plotting function for the IDR 2.2 memo.'''
if clims is None:
clims = [None for i in range(len(waterfalls))]
if clabels is None:
clabels = [None for i in range(len(waterfalls))]
if cmaps is None:
cmaps = [None for i in range(len(waterfalls))]
if ylims is None:
ylims = [None for i in range(len(waterfalls))]
if not any(isinstance(ex, list) for ex in extents):
extents = [extents for i in range(len(waterfalls))]
fig, axes = plt.subplots(len(waterfalls), 1, sharex=True, squeeze=True, figsize=figsize, dpi=dpi)
for ax, wf, f, t, clim, clabel, cmap, ylim, ex in zip(axes, waterfalls, flags, titles,
clims, clabels, cmaps, ylims, extents):
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
im = ax.imshow(wf / ~f, aspect='auto', extent=ex, cmap=cmap)
plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax, label=clabel, aspect=8, pad=.025)
if ax == axes[-1]:
ax.set_xlabel('Frequency (MHz)')
props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='white', alpha=0.8)
ax.text(0.02, 0.9, t, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=14, verticalalignment='top', bbox=props)
waterfall_column([np.angle(fc_gains[ant]), np.angle(oc_gains[ant]), oc_total_quals[ant[1]]],
[fc_flags[ant], oc_flags[ant], oc_flags[ant]],
['Firstcal: {}'.format(ant), 'Omnical: {}'.format(ant), 'Omnical $\chi^2$ / DOF'],
clims=[None, None, [0, 3]],
clabels=['Phase (Radians)', 'Phase (Radians)', '$\chi^2$ / DoF (Unitless)'],
cmaps = ['twilight', 'twilight', 'inferno'],
extents=[hc.freqs[0] / 1e6, hc.freqs[-1] / 1e6, hc.times[-1] - 2458098, hc.times[0] - 2458098])
Here we see redundant baseline calibration solutions, which are dominated by an overall delay. We also see that $\chi^2 / DoF$ is generically greater than 1, indicating non-redundancy that seems to vary both in frequency and time. We also see clear evidence of narrow-band RFI which has not yet been excised. The first and last 50 channels were flagged by hand, a few more channels also got flagged at the high end of the band for producing nan
s in the calibration solution, which usually occurs when there are 0s in the data. At this stage, we also flag any data where the sun is above the horizon, which explains why the IDR contains many completely flagged files. While some of the integrations appear discrepant, especially after firstcal
, this turns out to be discontinuities in the degenerate subspace that are subsequently fixed by abscal
Next, we compare redundantly calibrated data to the visibility solution for all redundant baselines in the same group. To do that, we use hera_cal.apply_cal.calibrate_in_place()
to calibrate the data we've already loaded above and we use hera_cal.redcal.get_reds()
to convert antenna positions into a list of redundant baseline groups, which are themselves lists of baselines. The first baseline in the group is used as the key in the omnical visibility solution.
# apply calibration solution to data
from copy import deepcopy
from hera_cal.apply_cal import calibrate_in_place
redcal_data, redcal_flags = deepcopy(data), deepcopy(flags)
calibrate_in_place(redcal_data, oc_gains, data_flags=redcal_flags, cal_flags=oc_flags)
# find the mapping of baselines to the unique baseline key used in the omnical visibility solutions
from hera_cal.redcal import get_reds
reds = get_reds(hd.antpos)
red_dict = {bl: bl_group[0] for bl_group in reds for bl in bl_group}
omnical_vis_file = os.path.join(analysis_folder, '2458098/zen.2458098.43124.HH.omni_vis.uvh5')
hd_oc = HERAData(omnical_vis_file)
omnivis, omnivis_flags, _ = hd_oc.read(bls=[red_dict[bl]]) # note, this only has the first baseline in each redundant group
waterfall_column([np.angle(redcal_data[bl]), np.angle(omnivis[red_dict[bl]])],
[redcal_flags[bl], omnivis_flags[red_dict[bl]]],
['Redundantly Calibrated: {}'.format(bl), 'Omnical Visibility Solution: {}'.format(bl)],
clabels=['Phase (Radians)', 'Phase (Radians)'],
cmaps = ['twilight', 'twilight'],
extents=[hd.freqs[0] / 1e6, hd.freqs[-1] / 1e6, hd.times[-1] - 2458098, hd.times[0] - 2458098])
Much of the difference between the individual calibrated visibility and the visibility solution is noise; the visibility solution is approximately equal to the average of all redundant baselines in a group.
The next step in calibration is absolute calibration or abscal
. Absolute calibration attaches the omnical
gain solutions to a sky reference, allowing us to fix the degeneracies. In fact, absolute calibration is restricted to only modify the degenerate subspace of the omnical solutions; only four degrees of freedom per polarization per time per frequency are allowed to be modified.
Instead of using a point source model, abscal
takes as its input a set of externally calibrated visibilities which we call the "abscal model," though simulated visibilities could also work. Individual integrations in the model are phased to match the nearest integration in the data. As in redundant calibration, abscal
first calibrates a delay and phase slope across the array (a subset of the degeneracies) before solving for the degeneracies directly, namely a per-frequency and per-time phase slope and amplitude.
The overall phase degeneracy cannot be solved by abscal
because it has no impact on calibrated visibilities. To resolve it, we pick a reference antenna and rephase all other gains so that it has zero phase for all frequencies and times. We choose a reference antenna per-file and per-polarization that 1) has no more flags than any other antenna and 2) introduces the least phase noise into the other gains. Later in the calibration smoothing step, we will rephase to a single reference antenna for the whole night using the same criteria.
Because polarizations are calibrated separately without reference to any $xy$- or $yx$-visibilities, we have no reason to expect that the cross-polarized visibilties are properly calibrated. This does not affect our analysis of psuedo-Stokes I or Q images or power spectra, but it does mean that our pseudo-Stokes U and V images and power spectra are not reliable at this point.
New in IDR 2.2:
In IDR 2.2, we added a notion of abscal
$\chi^2$, defined as:
$\chi^2_\text{abs}(t,\nu) = \sum_{i,j} |V_{ij}^\text{model}(t,\nu) - g^\text{abs}_i(t,\nu) g^{*\text{abs}}_j(t,\nu) V_{i,j}^\text{raw}(t,\nu)|^2 / \sigma^2_{ij}$,
where $\sigma^2$ is the noise on the absolute calibrated visibilities (as inferred from the autocorrelations). Unlike the omnical
$\chi^2$, this is not properly normalized per DoF. However, it is still a useful metric of discrepancy between the data after redcal
and abscal
and the externally calibrated visibilities.
For IDR2.2, the data was calibrated by looking at three days that span the LST range of what will eventually be H1C IDR3, namely 2458042, 2458116, and 2458161. Each day was calibrated in CASA using a different calibrator field from GLEAM and only baselines > 40 m in length:
The calibration solutions were assumed to be stable over the course of each calibration day. Then, to form one synthetic day externally calibrated visibilities, these days are "cross-faded" into each other, effectively a weighted average of the three days with weights that fall linearly away from the calibration field and are 0 when the sun is up.
Finally, the abscal model was low-pass delay filtered (using a Tukey window with $\alpha=0.2$) at either the baseline's horizon + 50 ns, or 150 ns, whichever is longer. This lowered the noise on the model, removed any high-frequency spectral structure we don't expect to be associated with the sky, and allowed interpolation over RFI-contaminated channels. Unfortunately, this also risks spreading out any isolated but unflagged RFI, which we see some evidence of in the the abscal $\chi^2$ below.
For more on absolute calibration, see HERA Memo #42 for the IDR 2.1 implementation or Kern et al. (in prep.).
# Load abscal calibration solutions
abscal_file = os.path.join(analysis_folder, '2458098/zen.2458098.43124.HH.abs.calfits')
hc = HERACal(abscal_file)
ac_gains, ac_flags, ac_quals, ac_total_quals = hc.read()
waterfall_column([np.abs(ac_gains[ant]), np.angle(ac_gains[ant]), ac_total_quals[ant[1]]],
[ac_flags[ant], ac_flags[ant], ac_flags[ant]],
['Abscal Gain Amplitude: {}'.format(ant), 'Abscal Gain Phase: {}'.format(ant), 'Abscal $\chi^2$'],
clims=[[0, .04], None, [0, 5]],
clabels=['Amplitude (Unitless)', 'Phase (Radians)', '$\chi^2$ (Unnormalized)'],
cmaps = ['inferno', 'twilight', 'inferno'],
extents=[hc.freqs[0] / 1e6, hc.freqs[-1] / 1e6, hc.times[-1] - 2458098, hc.times[0] - 2458098])
We can also see that the absolutely calibrated data now closely match the reference at the same LSTs.
# Apply abscal calibration to data
abscal_data, abscal_flags = deepcopy(data), deepcopy(flags)
calibrate_in_place(abscal_data, ac_gains, data_flags=abscal_flags, cal_flags=ac_flags)
# Find corresponding LSTs in the externally calibrated Abscal Model
from hera_cal.abscal import match_times
model_files = glob.glob('/lustre/aoc/projects/hera/nkern/idr3_abscal_models/full_model/' +
'zen.2458042.5*.HH.uvRXLS.uvh5') # cheatingly slightly by only checking the .5* files
matched_model_files = sorted(set(match_times(sample_data_file, model_files, filetype='uvh5')))
hdm = HERAData(matched_model_files)
model, model_flags, _ = hdm.read(bls=[bl])
# compare redundantly and then absolutely calibrated data to externally calibrated reference
waterfall_column([np.angle(abscal_data[bl]), np.angle(model[bl])],
[abscal_flags[bl], model_flags[bl]],
['Absolutely Calibrated: {}'.format(bl), 'Externally Calibrated Reference: {}'.format(bl)],
clabels=['Phase (Radians)', 'Phase (Radians)'],
ylabel='LST (Radians)',
cmaps = ['twilight', 'twilight'],
ylims = [[model.lsts[-1], model.lsts[0]], None],
extents=[[hd.freqs[0] / 1e6, hd.freqs[-1] / 1e6, hd.lsts[-1], hd.lsts[0]],
[model.freqs[0] / 1e6, model.freqs[-1] / 1e6, model.lsts[-1], model.lsts[0]]])
Our Radio Frequency Interference (RFI) flagging algorithm has largely been overhauled for IDR2.2, though it still relies fundamentally on the basic idea of looking for highly-significant outliers in detrended data and then also flagging less significant outliers that neighbor them in time or frequency, the so-called "watershed" algorithm. This relies on the idea that RFI events are compact in frequency or time or both.
New in IDR 2.2:
The following algorithm is used for RFI flagging on a per-observation basis.
gains, omnical
$\chi^2/DoF$, the omnical
visibility solutions, the abscal
gains, and the abscal
$\chi^2$. Each baseline, antenna, or polarization's waterfall is median filtered (i.e. the local median subtracted off in a 8 integration by 8 channel box) and each each data point is compared to the local median and median absolute deviation to compute a metric of "outlierness" in number of $\sigma$s. These "metrics" are averaged in quadrature to produce a single waterfall for each data product. .flagged_abs.calfits
file. Also save various intermediate metrics and flagging products as HDF5 files (readable with pyuvdata.UVFlag
).*# load flagged calibration solutions
flagged_abscal_file = os.path.join(analysis_folder, '2458098/zen.2458098.43124.HH.flagged_abs.calfits')
hc = HERACal(flagged_abscal_file)
fac_gains, fac_flags, fac_quals, fac_total_quals = hc.read()
waterfall_column([np.abs(fac_gains[ant]), np.angle(fac_gains[ant]), fac_total_quals[ant[1]]],
[fac_flags[ant], fac_flags[ant], fac_flags[ant]],
['Flagged Abscal Amplitude: {}'.format(ant),
'Flagged Abscal Phase: {}'.format(ant),
'Flagged Abscal $\chi^2$'],
clims=[[0, .04], None, [0, 5]],
clabels=['Amplitude (Unitless)', 'Phase (Radians)', '$\chi^2$ (Unnormalized)'],
cmaps = ['inferno', 'twilight', 'inferno'],
extents=[hc.freqs[0] / 1e6, hc.freqs[-1] / 1e6, hc.times[-1] - 2458098, hc.times[0] - 2458098])
This algorithm seems to catch all obvious RFI and also flags the impact of RFI in the abscal
model (as seen in the abscal
To reduce the number of degrees of freedom in the calibration solution, we rely on the assumption that the instrument does not have spectral structure on small frequency scales and that it does not evolve quickly in time. Our smoothing algorithm loads in a whole day of calibration solutions simultaneously and put them on a time grid, leaving flagged holes for any missing files or missing time.
New in IDR 2.2:
Most notably, we have implemented 2D smoothing. In IDR 2.1, we smoothed in time and then in frequency. Here we do both simultaneously using a 2D CLEANing algorithm. We restrict our CLEANed solution in delay/fringe-rate space, filtering on 10 MHz (i.e. 100 ns) and 30 minute (0.556 mHz) scales. This filtering is done with a Tukey window with $\alpha = .5$ in frequency and a top-hat window in time.
The calibration smoothing step also checks for antennas that are often flagged as bad while others are not. We count the number of unflagged visibilities on each antenna and any antenna with less than 50% of the maximum among all antennas is flagged before smoothing is performed.
Here is an example of a calibration smoothing in action:
smoothed_abscal_file = os.path.join(analysis_folder, '2458098/zen.2458098.43124.HH.smooth_abs.calfits')
hc = HERACal(smoothed_abscal_file)
sac_gains, sac_flags, _, _ = hc.read()
# find antenna that was picked as the reference by looking for unflagged antennas with 0 phase
sc_refant = {pol: sorted([(np.mean(np.abs(np.angle(sac_gains[ant]))), ant)
for ant in sac_gains if ant[1]==pol and not np.all(sac_flags[ant])])[0][1]
for pol in hc.pols}
for pol in hc.pols:
print('Antenna {} chosen as the reference for {}.'.format(sc_refant[pol][0], pol))
# rephase abscal to to have the same reference antenna as smooth_cal
rephased_abscal = fac_gains[ant] * np.abs(fac_gains[sc_refant[ant[1]]]) / fac_gains[sc_refant[ant[1]]]
smoothcal_gains = deepcopy(sac_gains[ant])
waterfall_column([np.abs(rephased_abscal), np.abs(smoothcal_gains)],
[fac_flags[ant], sac_flags[ant]],
['Abscal Amplitude: {}'.format(ant), 'Smoothcal Amplitude: {}'.format(ant)],
clabels=['Amplitude (Unitless)', 'Amplitude (Unitless)'],
cmaps = ['inferno', 'inferno'],
clims=[[0, .04], [0, .04]],
extents=[hc.freqs[0] / 1e6, hc.freqs[-1] / 1e6, hc.times[-1] - 2458098, hc.times[0] - 2458098])
# replace flags with nans in order to take a nanmedian over time
rephased_abscal[fac_flags[ant]] = np.nan
smoothcal_gains[sac_flags[ant]] = np.nan
# plot median smooth calibration
plt.figure(figsize=(12,3), dpi=100)
plt.plot(hc.freqs / 1e6, np.nanmedian(rephased_abscal, axis=0).real, '.', label='Flagged Abscal')
plt.plot(hc.freqs / 1e6, np.nanmedian(smoothcal_gains, axis=0).real, label='Smoothcal')
plt.title('Median Abscal and Smoothcal Gains')
plt.ylabel('Real Part of Gains (Unitless)')
plt.xlabel('Frequency (MHz)')
plt.ylim(-.05, .05)
At this point in the pipeline, we are ready to LST-bin our calibrated data. However, we also produce calibrated and delay-filtered data. These files, the .OCRSD.uvh5
files are the only full-sized data files produced before LST-binning. OCRSD
is a legacy nomenclature meaning Omicaled, absCaled, xRfi, Smoothcaled, Delay-filtered data.
Delay filtering is performed independently for each integration and each baseline in the calibrated and flagged data. Delay filtering removes Fourier content outside the baseline's horizon delay, plus a 15 ns buffer. To account for RFI gaps, it is done using the CLEAN algorithm with a $10^{-9}$ tolerance and a Tukey window with $\alpha=0.5$.
This procedure is largely the same as in IDR2.1 (the only significant update was improved memory management using partial I/O enabled by .uvh5
delay_filtered_file = os.path.join(analysis_folder, '2458098/zen.2458098.43124.HH.OCRSD.uvh5')
hd_dfil = HERAData(delay_filtered_file)
dfil_data, dfil_flags, _ = hd_dfil.read(bls=[bl])
# Apply smooth_abs calibration to data
sac_data, sac_data_flags = deepcopy(data), deepcopy(flags)
calibrate_in_place(sac_data, sac_gains, data_flags=sac_data_flags, cal_flags=sac_flags)
waterfall_column([np.abs(sac_data[bl]), np.abs(dfil_data[bl]), np.angle(sac_data[bl]), np.angle(dfil_data[bl])],
[sac_data_flags[bl], dfil_flags[bl], sac_data_flags[bl], dfil_flags[bl]],
['Calibrated Amplitude: {}'.format(bl), 'Delay-Filtered Amplitude: {}'.format(bl),
'Calibrated Phase: {}'.format(bl), 'Delay-Filtered Phase: {}'.format(bl)],
clabels=['Amplitude (Jy)', 'Amplitude (Jy)', 'Phase (Radians)', 'Phase (Radians)'],
clims=[[0, 150], [0, 15], None, None],
cmaps = ['inferno', 'inferno', 'twilight', 'twilight'],
extents=[hd_dfil.freqs[0] / 1e6, hd_dfil.freqs[-1] / 1e6,
hd_dfil.times[-1] - 2458098, hd_dfil.times[0] - 2458098],
(Note the different color scale on the delay-filtered amplitude.)
While the delay filter vastly reduces the amplitude of the visibility to much closer to the noise level, the result is not purely noise-like, as can be seen in the spectral structure in the delay-filtered phase. This may be, in part, due to some of the non-fringing structure and the cable reflections, both examined in the two Kern et al. (submitted) papers examining systematics.
The main goal of analysis is to calibrate and RFI-flag to as to enable LST-binning and the resultant reduction in data volume. However, we perform several additional steps that produce useful data products for quality assessment of the data and various open research questions.
Visibility Solutions with Absolute Calibration and Flagging¶New in IDR 2.2:
Previously, omnical
visibility solutions we only used to look for RFI. Now, we update the omnical visibilities by filling in their degenerate components using either the results of abscal
or the results of smooth_cal
(we do both and leave it as an open question whether there's any advantage or one or the other). This step is performed by taking the average of the ratio of omnical
gain products to abscal
gain products in a redundant baseline group. This isolates the degenerate subspace, which we then use to update the visibility solutions. Like the omnical
visibility solutions, these .uvh5
data products contain one visibility per unique baseline group and an updated nsamples
While we do no subsequent processing of these data, they are meant to help enable research questions about whether this data reductions step (which is substantial for HERA) can help us get to the power spectrum quicker without losing information.
# load representative baseline from updated omnical visibility solutions
fac_vis_file = os.path.join(analysis_folder, '2458098/zen.2458098.43124.HH.flagged_abs_vis.uvh5')
hd_fac = HERAData(fac_vis_file)
facvis, facvis_flags, _ = hd_fac.read(bls=[red_dict[bl]])
sac_vis_file = os.path.join(analysis_folder, '2458098/zen.2458098.43124.HH.smooth_abs_vis.uvh5')
hd_sac = HERAData(sac_vis_file)
sacvis, sacvis_flags, _ = hd_sac.read(bls=[red_dict[bl]])
waterfall_column([np.angle(abscal_data[bl]), np.angle(facvis[red_dict[bl]]), np.angle(sacvis[red_dict[bl]])],
[sacvis_flags[red_dict[bl]], sacvis_flags[red_dict[bl]], sacvis_flags[red_dict[bl]]],
['Absolutely Calibrated and Flagged: {}'.format(bl),
'Omnical Solution Updated with Flagged Abscal: {}'.format(bl),
'Omnical Solution Updated with Smoothed Abscal: {}'.format(bl)],
clabels=['Phase (Radians)', 'Phase (Radians)', 'Phase (Radians)'],
cmaps = ['twilight', 'twilight', 'twilight'],
extents=[hd.freqs[0] / 1e6, hd.freqs[-1] / 1e6, hd.times[-1] - 2458098, hd.times[0] - 2458098])
New in IDR 2.2:
To enable future calibration tests, the pipeline extracts autocorrelations. While in principle this is duplicating data and is otherwise trivial with partial I/O, this step anticipates IDR 3.1 and beyond where we cannot keep the full data set staged on lustre
. For future tests of calirabtion and noise, it was requested to store these raw data products alongside calibration solutions. These autocorrelations are stored in .autos.uvh5
and only have autocorrelation baseline keys.
Using calibrated autocorrelations, we can predict the noise variance on visibilities, $\sigma_{ij}^2$. Namely,
$\sigma_{ij}^2 = V_{ii} V_{jj}$ $ / $ $B t$
where $B$ is the bandwidth of a channel and $t$ is the integration time. Instead of computing this quantity for all baselines, we instead compute and save $\sigma_{ii}$ where
$\sigma_{ij} \equiv \sqrt{\sigma_{ii} \sigma_{jj}} = \left(V_{ii} / \sqrt{Bt}\right) \left( V_{jj} / \sqrt{Bt} \right)$.
These quantities, $\sigma_{ii}$, are stored in .noise_std.uvh5
files. Though they are technically per-antenna, we felt it more sensible to store them as visibility data files (since the units are Jy) with autocorrelation keys instead of storing them in .calfits
from hera_cal.utils import join_bl
ant1, ant2 = split_bl(bl)
auto_bl1 = join_bl(ant1, ant1)
auto_bl2 = join_bl(ant2, ant2)
# Load autocorrelation
autos_file = os.path.join(analysis_folder, '2458098/zen.2458098.43124.HH.autos.uvh5')
hd_autos = HERAData(autos_file)
autos, auto_flags, _ = hd_autos.read(bls=[auto_bl1, auto_bl2])
# Calibrate autocorrelation
cal_autos, cal_auto_flags = deepcopy(autos), deepcopy(auto_flags)
calibrate_in_place(cal_autos, sac_gains, data_flags=cal_auto_flags, cal_flags=sac_flags)
# Load inferred noise on calibrated data
noise_file = os.path.join(analysis_folder, '2458098/zen.2458098.43124.HH.noise_std.uvh5')
hd_noise = HERAData(noise_file)
noise, noise_flags, _ = hd_noise.read(bls=[auto_bl1, auto_bl2])
bl_noise = np.sqrt(noise[auto_bl1] * noise[auto_bl2])
bl_noise_flags = noise_flags[auto_bl1] | noise_flags[auto_bl2]
waterfall_column([np.abs(autos[auto_bl1]), np.abs(cal_autos[auto_bl1]),
np.abs(noise[auto_bl1]), np.abs(bl_noise)],
[auto_flags[auto_bl1], cal_auto_flags[auto_bl1],
noise_flags[auto_bl1], bl_noise_flags],
['Raw Autocorrelations: {}'.format(auto_bl1),
'Smooth-Calibrated Autocorrelations: {}'.format(auto_bl1),
'Inferred Antenna Noise: {}.'.format(ant1),
'Inferred Visibility Noise: {}.'.format(bl)],
clabels=['Amplitude\n(Uncalibrated)', 'Amplitude (Jy)', 'Amplitude (Jy)', 'Amplitude (Jy)'],
clims=[[0, 15], None, [0,15], [0,15]],
cmaps = ['inferno', 'inferno', 'inferno', 'inferno'],
extents=[hd_autos.freqs[0] / 1e6, hd_autos.freqs[-1] / 1e6,
hd_autos.times[-1] - 2458098, hd_autos.times[0] - 2458098],)
We can also check our inferred value for the noise on visibilities by checking them against a sequential difference of the data. In this case, we use hera_cal.noise.interleaved_noise_variance_estimate()
to estimate the noise on the data by subtracting 0.5 times the next and previous channels from the data. Averaging in time over the file, we see that these two estimates of the noise agree.
# Estimate noise from visibility data using interleaved frequencies
from hera_cal.noise import interleaved_noise_variance_estimate
data_with_nans = deepcopy(sac_data[bl])
data_with_nans[sac_data_flags[bl]] = np.nan
noise_var_est = interleaved_noise_variance_estimate(data_with_nans, kernel=[[-.5, 1, -.5]])
with np.errstate(divide='ignore', invalid='ignore'):
interleaved_noise = np.sqrt(np.nanmean(noise_var_est, axis=0))
# Estimate noise on baseline using autocorrelations
var_with_nans = noise[auto_bl1] * noise[auto_bl2]
var_with_nans[sac_data_flags[bl]] = np.nan
autocorrelation_noise = np.sqrt(np.nanmean(var_with_nans, axis=0))
# Plot Results
plt.figure(figsize=(12,3), dpi=100)
plt.plot(hd.freqs / 1e6, interleaved_noise, label='Interleaved Noise Estimate')
plt.plot(hd.freqs / 1e6, autocorrelation_noise, lw=3, label='Noise Inferred from Autocorrelations')
plt.xlabel('Frequency (MHz)')
plt.ylabel('Amplitude (Jy)')
New in IDR 2.2:
Calibration smoothing erases small scale spectral structure in calibration solutions, some of which we believe is real. For example, we see clear evidence from the autocorrelations of ripples in the calibration solutions attributable to reflection systematics. An extra trip down and back up 150 m cables produce delays of 1250 ns, assuming a speed of light in the cables of $0.8c$. Such reflections were seen in every antenna at different delays and amplitudes in HERA Memo #64.
In the two forthcoming Kern et al. papers on HERA systematics, we develop and test a method for mitigating these systematics by fitting the reflection in delay space and then running an iterative, non-linear optimizer to refine the estimate of the reflection delay, amplitude, and phase.
In theory, the calibration solutions found for the cable reflections could be incorporated into the final, smoothed calibration solution by multiplying (an example of which we show below). In practice, we feel that this move is risky until the stability of the fits and of the cable reflections themselves are more thoroughly explored. Therefore, we provide calibration solutions of just cable reflections in .reflections.calfits
files in order to support open research questions about these reflections.
reflections_file = os.path.join(analysis_folder, '2458098/zen.2458098.43124.HH.reflections.calfits')
hc = HERACal(reflections_file)
rfl_gains, rfl_flags, _, _ = hc.read()
waterfall_column([np.abs(rfl_gains[ant]), np.abs(rfl_gains[ant] * sac_gains[ant])],
[rfl_flags[ant], sac_flags[ant]],
['Cable Reflection Fit: {}'.format(ant), 'Smoothcal x Reflections: {}'.format(ant)],
clabels=['Gain Amplitude\n(Unitless)', 'Gain Amplitude\n(Unitless)'],
cmaps = ['inferno', 'inferno'],
extents=[hd.freqs[0] / 1e6, hd.freqs[-1] / 1e6, hd.times[-1] - 2458098, hd.times[0] - 2458098],
New in IDR 2.2:
For this IDR, all files are also passed through a multi-frequency synthesis imagine routine in CASA. These images are largely for diagnostic purposes, they are not meant for direct comparison to external catalogs or for any sort of power spectrum analysis. We image both in instrumental polarizations, i.e. xx
and yy
, and in pseudo-Stokes I, Q, U, and V. The various imaging products are stored as .fits
in the *.calibrated.uvh5_image/
folder corresponding to each file.
The image products are dirty images (no CLEANing has been done, i.e. niter=0
) and are not primary-beam corrected. We use Briggs weighting with robust=0
. We synthesize the image using channels 150 to 900, corresponding to 114.6 - 187.9 MHz. The images are 512 by 512 pixels centered at zenith with 500 arcsecond pixels.
from astropy.io import fits
from astropy import wcs
from hera_cal.utils import polnum2str
image_fits = os.path.join(analysis_folder, '2458098/zen.2458098.41632.HH.calibrated.uvh5_image/' +
hdulist = fits.open(image_fits)
coords = wcs.WCS(hdulist[0].header, naxis=[wcs.WCSSUB_CELESTIAL])
fig, axes = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 10), dpi=100, subplot_kw={'projection': coords})
plt.subplots_adjust(hspace=0, wspace=.3)
for i, (ax, image_data) in enumerate(zip(np.ravel(axes), hdulist[0].data[:, 0, ...])):
im = ax.imshow(image_data, cmap='inferno')
ax.set_xlim([150, image_data.shape[0] - 150])
ax.set_ylim([150, image_data.shape[1] - 150])
pol = polnum2str(int(i * hdulist[0].header['CDELT4'] + hdulist[0].header['CRVAL4'])).replace('p', 'Pseudo-')
plt.colorbar(im, ax=ax, label='Jy/Beam', fraction=0.046, pad=0.04)
props = dict(boxstyle='round', facecolor='white', alpha=0.8)
ax.text(0.05, 0.95, 'Stokes ' + pol, transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=14, verticalalignment='top', bbox=props)
This field can be compared to the one used in HERA Memo #42 to calibrate IDR 2.1, thought a different field was used to calibrate this data (see above). Overall, the agreement in terms of source positions and flux scale is pretty good, though a more detailed analysis of the image data products is warranted.
Both before and after delay filtering, the data is LST-binned into a single group and into two groups of interleaved nights. During LST binning, each integration is assigned to the the nearest LST bin, but is rephased to account for the slight difference in LST between its bin center and the LST bin's center. LST bins were chosen to be twice as long as raw data bins (21.475 seconds = 0.00156597 radians of a sidreal day), so every LST bin gets two data points for every input night.
Next, the list of rephased data points that would go into any given LST and frequency bin are examined for outliers. For relatively robust outlier detection, we compute the median absoute deviation (MAD) of all the points that are to be binned together and use that to compute a modified z-score. As long as there are at least 5 data points to bin together, we then flag all data that with a modified z-score greater than 5, which corresponds to $5\sigma$ outliers if the distribution were Gaussian.
Finally, we compute the standard deviation of both the real and imaginary parts of the unflagged data and store those in the .STD.
file. We also save the number of samples that went into each binned data point in both the .LST.
and .STD.
files. We do not further perform a cut on the number of samples or any other form of post-LST binning RFI flagging. The procedure is repeated with the delay-filtered data as well.
For the nights split into two groups, we have picked:
The data can be found in /lustre/aoc/projects/hera/H1C_IDR2/IDR2_1/LSTBIN/{one/two}_group/grp{N}(_dly)/
and have the format like zen.grp1.of1.LST.1.31552.HH.OCRSL.uvh5
. This means:
: 1-indexed group of nights that the LST binned data products are divided intoof2
: number of groups of nights that the data was divided into before separately LST-binning each group togetherLST
: LST-binned data. The other alternative is STD
, which encodes the standard deviation of the real and imaginary parts (separately) of the binned data in its real and imaginary data array1.31552
: starting LST of the data in radiansOCRSL
: this denotes calibrated, RFI-flagged, LST-binned data, but not delay-filtered. The LST-binned results also include OCRSDL
files, which have been delay-filtered before LST-binning. Those are in folders that look like grp1_dly
instead of just grp1
. L is for LST-binning.Here we show a comparison of LST-binned data with data from a single night:
lstbinned_file = os.path.join(analysis_folder,'LSTBIN/one_group/grp1/zen.grp1.of1.LST.1.31552.HH.OCRSL.uvh5')
hd_lst = HERAData(lstbinned_file)
lst_data, lst_flags, lst_nsamples = hd_lst.read(bls=[bl, auto_bl1, auto_bl2])
# compare redundantly and then absolutely calibrated data to externally calibrated reference
waterfall_column([np.angle(sac_data[bl]), np.angle(lst_data[bl]), lst_nsamples[bl]],
[sac_data_flags[bl], lst_flags[bl], np.zeros_like(lst_flags[bl])],
['2458098: {}'.format(bl), 'LST-binned: {}'.format(bl), 'LST-binning samples: {}'.format(bl)],
clabels=['Phase (Radians)', 'Phase (Radians)', 'Number of Samples'],
ylabel='LST (Radians)',
cmaps = ['twilight', 'twilight', 'inferno'],
ylims = [[hd_lst.lsts[-1], hd_lst.lsts[0]], None, None],
extents=[[hd.freqs[0] / 1e6, hd.freqs[-1] / 1e6, hd.lsts[-1], hd.lsts[0]],
[hd_lst.freqs[0] / 1e6, hd_lst.freqs[-1] / 1e6, hd_lst.lsts[-1], hd_lst.lsts[0]],
[hd_lst.freqs[0] / 1e6, hd_lst.freqs[-1] / 1e6, hd_lst.lsts[-1], hd_lst.lsts[0]]])
In general, the these results look reasonable. The flagging is substantially more aggressive than in IDR2.1, which is reflected in the lower and more variable number of samples above, through there are still a couple of "clean" windows around 125 MHz and around 160 MHz.
We can also compare the observed noise level to what we excepted from the autocorrelations (both from individual days and from the LST-binned autocorrelations). This match is pretty good, though there's still some evidence for temporal structure in the STD files, especially in the real/imaginary components.
lststd_file = os.path.join(analysis_folder,'LSTBIN/one_group/grp1/zen.grp1.of1.STD.1.31552.HH.OCRSL.uvh5')
hd_std = HERAData(lststd_file)
std_data, std_flags, _ = hd_std.read(bls=[bl])
# predict noise from lst-binned autocorrelations
from hera_cal.noise import predict_noise_variance_from_autos
tint = np.median(np.diff(hd.times)) * 24 * 3600
lst_bl_noise = np.sqrt(predict_noise_variance_from_autos(bl, lst_data, dt=tint))
lst_bl_flags = lst_flags[bl] | lst_flags[auto_bl1] | lst_flags[auto_bl2]
# compare redundantly and then absolutely calibrated data to externally calibrated reference
waterfall_column([np.abs(bl_noise), np.abs(lst_bl_noise), np.abs(std_data[bl])],
[bl_noise_flags, lst_bl_flags, std_flags[bl]],
['Predicted Noise from Autos: ' + str(bl),
'Predicted Noise from LST-Binned Autos: ' + str(bl),
'|STDEV| over Nights: {}'.format(bl)],
clabels=['$\sigma$ (Jy)', '$\sigma$ (Jy)', '$\sigma$ (Jy)'],
ylabel='LST (Radians)',
clims=[[0,15], [0,15], [0,15]],
ylims = [[hd_lst.lsts[-1], hd_lst.lsts[0]], None, None],
cmaps = ['inferno', 'inferno', 'inferno'],
extents=[[hd.freqs[0] / 1e6, hd.freqs[-1] / 1e6, hd.lsts[-1], hd.lsts[0]],
[hd_std.freqs[0] / 1e6, hd_std.freqs[-1] / 1e6, hd_std.lsts[-1], hd_std.lsts[0]],
[hd_std.freqs[0] / 1e6, hd_std.freqs[-1] / 1e6, hd_std.lsts[-1], hd_std.lsts[0]]])
The goal of IDR 2.2 is to provide calibration, flagging, and LST-binning to support an astrophysically interesting power spectrum upper limit. It is not meant to be the last word in HERA analysis. Hopefully, this release is "good enough" to move forward, but it is important to document the issues as they arise and continue to cross-check our results and better understand the systematics in the data.
and yx
visibilities. As of now, our the externally calibrated data used as our abscal model has no polarization information, so we cannot calibrate the absolute phase of x relative to y. This makes pseudo-Stokes U and V difficult to interpret. Cable Reflections. We solve for cable reflections at every integration, but our current plan is to ignore these results and only solve for and then calibrate out cable reflections in LST-binned data. How accurate and reliable are our cable reflection fits in this IDR? And do the cable reflections exhibit any temporal evolution or additional spectral structure (beyond the three parameter model used to constrain them?)
Temporal structure. How stable are the calibration solutions in time (per feed)? What kind of temporal structure do they exhibit and how repeatable is that structure from day to day? What is the optimal temporal smoothing scale for calibration solutions? (This is under investigation by UCB undergraduate Max Lee and a memo on this question is forthcoming.)
Spectral structure. What kind of spectral structure do our calibration solutions exhibit? How does it vary from antenna to antenna? From integration to integration? From day to day? Is the spectral structure in our calibration solutions consistent with that expected from beam modeling of spectral structure? What is the optimal spectral smoothing scale for calibration solutions? Is there some spectral form other than delay modes on which we should be filtering (e.g. Hermite polynomials? PCA/Weiner filter?).
RFI Report. What are the persistent sources of RFI? How much of the band are we losing? Are there any major transient broadband events and can they be tracked to any source (e.g. MeerKAT, as we saw in 2458109)?
Post-LST RFI. Is there any low level RFI that we are not detecting? Are we overflagging? Does the LST-binned data product show any evidence for RFI? Should we be removing RFI after LST binning?
Versus Sky-Based Calibration. How do the calibration solutions compare to those generated purely from a sky-based calibration?
Relative x-to-y Phase Calibration. Right now, our abscal model has no xy or yx visibilities, which means that the relative phase of x to y as a function of frequency is uncalibrated. Is this a problem? How is it affecting Stokes U and V?
Imaging. We have produced MFS images, but we have not examined them systematically. Do our maps look reasonable? Do source fluxes and spectra look right? What about psuedo-Stokes I, Q, U, and V images?
Noise integration. Does the noise integrate down from day to day?
LST results. Does the difference between a given day's data and the corresponding LST-binned data look noise-like? Are there some days that are worse than others?
Redundancy. How redundant are redundant baselines? How do we interpret $\chi^2$? Does the noise integrate down inside redundant baseline groups?
Repeatability of calibrated data. How repeatable are redundant baselines from day to day after calibration? Can or should we be LST-binning updated omnical visibility solutions?
Beams. Does our beam model make sense? Can we constrain it with foregrounds moving through the beam?
Delay filtering. We use a CLEAN-based filtering in calibration smoothing and in the delay transform steps. Is that the best algorithm for it? Are we using the best tapering function?
Delay spectrum. How does the delay spectrum look? Is it noise-like at k~.2 and beyond after foreground filtering on the EoR baselines? How does it depend on LST?
If you want to work on any of these questions (or already are!) or are curious about this IDR, please join our HERA analysis telecon on Tuesdays at 10am Pacific on Zoom or the #hera-analysis Slack channel.