import numpy as np
from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, Angle, EarthLocation
from astropy.time import Time
from astropy import units
mjd = 55780.1
latitude = Angle('-26d42m11.94986s')
longitude = Angle('116d40m14.93485s')
obs_time = Time(mjd, format='mjd', location = (longitude, latitude))
lst_apparent = obs_time.sidereal_time('apparent')
# The frame radio astronomers call the apparent or current epoch is the
# "true equator & equinox" frame, notated E_gamma in the USNO circular 179
# (
# astropy doesn't have this frame but it's pretty easy to adapt the CIRS frame
# by modifying the ra to reflect the difference between
# GAST (Grenwich Apparent Sidereal Time) and the earth rotation angle (theta).
# The earth rotation angle is most clearly explained in the 2nd paragraph of Chapter 6
# of the USNO circular (page 50)
# The relationship between E_gamma and CIRS is shown in the figure on page 57 of the circular
def egamma_to_cirs_ra(egamma_ra, time):
from astropy import _erfa as erfa
from astropy.coordinates.builtin_frames.utils import get_jd12
era = erfa.era00(*get_jd12(Time(mjd, format='mjd'), 'ut1'))
theta_earth = Angle(era, unit='rad')
assert(isinstance(time, Time))
gast = time.sidereal_time('apparent', longitude=0)
cirs_ra = egamma_ra - (gast-theta_earth)
return cirs_ra
# If we define a source at RA = apparent LST and Dec = latitude it should be at zenith
loc_obj = EarthLocation.from_geodetic(lon=longitude, lat=latitude)
# use CIRS but with a different ra to account for the difference between LST & earth's rotation angle
cirs_ra = egamma_to_cirs_ra(lst_apparent, Time(mjd, format='mjd'))
egamma_zenith_coord = SkyCoord(ra=cirs_ra, dec=latitude, frame='cirs',
obstime=Time(mjd, format='mjd'), location = loc_obj)
# check where it is in altaz (should be near zenith):
egamma_zenith_altaz = egamma_zenith_coord.transform_to('altaz')
(egamma_zenith_altaz.alt - Angle('90d')).to_string(, sep=('deg', 'm', 's'))