Hugh Garsden, HERA Group, Queen Mary University of London
23 Nov 2020
We are using hera_sim for simulations of HERA beam perturbations, as the hera_sim interface is fairly simple, hera_sim is fast, and it has GPU support. Apart from pyuvsim, we have not evaluated other simulators like RIMEz/PRISim. We implemented a beam based on the Fagnoni beam for use in our work, and ran simulations using hera_sim and pyuvsim. Since pyuvsim was developed as a reference against which other simulators could be validated, we wanted to check that the hera_sim output matched pyuvsim, and found that it didn't. We could switch to pyuvsim, but found that is slower and more memory-intensive compared to hera_sim. Looking at the pyuvsim code, we could see that is far more sophisticated than hera_sim (hence why it is a reference), and that the difference in output is largely due to more accurate source positions calculated using Astropy. The issue then was whether we could include some of this Astropy code in hera_sim. That negates some of the simplicity of hera_sim, but perhaps we can strike a happy medium. After some reverse engineering of Astropy, we worked out how to enhance hera_sim so that it matches the pyuvsim output, but still has better performance.
pyuvsim can be fast when simulations are parallelized (MPI), but we also added MPI to hera_sim, so it still has the edge over pyuvsim. GPU support is also coming for pyuvsim, which we can evaluate in the future. For this notebook, I won't use parallelized simulations; the aim here is to compare the serial version of the enhanced hera_sim against pyuvsim. A comparison of parallelized simulations can be reported later.
This memo was generated from a Python notebook and contains Python code, text, and plots of results.
Section 2 establishes functions and objects to make the simulations and analysis manageable. There is a function to compare hera_sim and pyuvsim output values, and a function to setup simulation objects for different configurations.Section 3 runs small simulations and compares the hera_sim and pyuvsim output values and simulation times. It's divided into two parts:
Section 4 runs some variations on the test in Section 3, to show that the results are general.
Section 5 has results of scaling tests, showing how simulation time and memory use change as simulations increase in size.
The enhanced hera_sim is >100 times faster than pyuvsim, and the output visibilities match pyuvsim to many decimal places. As an example, compare the autocorrelation of antenna 0, and cross-correlation between antennas 0,1, for a particular simulation:
pyuvsim hera_sim Auto corr ant 0 (Amplitude) 0.25656533815007254 0.25656533815007254 Cross corr ant (0,1) Amplitude 0.17087283751552645 0.17087283751552657 Cross corr ant (0,1) Phase 0.384381003442964 0.3843810034429456
Other simulations show that these results are general.
hera_sim uses less memory than pyuvsim. This is a plot of hera_sim and pyuvsim memory usage, by number of frequency channels in the simulation:
There are other plots that compare the performance of pyuvsim and hera_sim as simulation size increases.
The enhanced hera_sim contains Astropy code, and some parts of that code have been hardwired for HERA. Therefore, if Astropy changes, enhanced hera_sim will need updating, and it can only be used for HERA.
Define some functions to setup telescope and observing configuration. Return appropriate simulation objects for hera_sim and pyuvsim.
We use the polybeam-astropy branch of hera_sim, which has these enhancements:
%matplotlib inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from hera_sim.visibilities import VisCPU
from hera_sim import io
from hera_sim.beams import PerturbedPolyBeam
from astropy.coordinates import Latitude, Longitude
from astropy.units import Quantity
import numpy as np
from pyuvsim import uvsim
from pyuvsim.telescope import BeamList
from pyradiosky import SkyModel
from pyuvsim import simsetup
import healvis as hv
import time
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize'] = [12, 6]
def compare_val(puvsim_uvd, hera_sim_uvd, ant1=0, ant2=1, which_freq=0, which_time=0):
Compare the outputs of two simulations, using a couple of values.
puvsim_uvd, hera_sim_uvd are UVData objects from the simulations. Extract the
autocorrelation and the cross-correlation between antennas
and print the values. Values are converted to amplitude and phase.
Print a table with values from pyuvsim in the first column and hera_sim in the second
sim1_auto = puvsim_uvd.get_data(ant1, ant1, "XX")[which_time][which_freq]
sim1_cross = puvsim_uvd.get_data(ant1, ant2, "XX")[which_time][which_freq]
sim2_auto = hera_sim_uvd.get_data(ant1, ant1, "XX")[which_time][which_freq]
sim2_cross = hera_sim_uvd.get_data(ant1, ant2, "XX")[which_time][which_freq]
print("\n---------------------------------- Accuracy --------------------------------------")
print("Values from Channel", which_freq, "Time", which_time)
print("\t\t\t\t pyuvsim \t\t\t hera_sim")
print("Auto corr ant "+str(ant1), "\t\t", abs(sim1_auto), "\t\t", abs(sim2_auto))
print("Cross corr ant ("+str(ant1)+","+str(ant2)+") Amp", "\t", abs(sim1_cross), "\t\t", abs(sim2_cross))
print("Cross corr ant ("+str(ant1)+","+str(ant2)+") Phase", "\t", np.angle(sim1_cross), "\t\t", np.angle(sim2_cross))
def compare_baseline(pyuvsim_uvd, hera_sim_uvd, ant1=0, ant2=0, which_time=0):
Plot amplitude and phase of baseline.
print("Plots of baseline("+str(ant1)+","+str(ant2)+")", "Time", which_time)
f, (ax1, ax2) = plt.subplots(1, 2)
ax1.plot(np.abs(pyuvsim_uvd.get_data(ant1, ant2, "XX")[which_time]), label="pyuvsim")
ax1.plot(np.abs(hera_sim_uvd.get_data(ant1, ant2, "XX")[which_time]), label="hera_sim")
ax1.set_title("Amplitude for baseline ("+str(ant1)+","+str(ant2)+")")
ax2.plot(np.angle(pyuvsim_uvd.get_data(ant1, ant2, "XX")[which_time]), label="pyuvsim")
ax2.plot(np.angle(hera_sim_uvd.get_data(ant1, ant2, "XX")[which_time]), label="hera_sim")
ax2.set_title("Phase for baseline ("+str(ant1)+","+str(ant2)+")")
return f
def compare(pyuvsim_uvd, hera_sim_uvd, pyuvsim_time, hera_sim_time, ant1=0, ant2=0, which_freq=0, which_time=0):
print("pyuvsim time:", pyuvsim_time)
print("hera_sim time:", hera_sim_time)
compare_val(pyuvsim_uvd, hera_sim_uvd, ant1, ant2, which_freq, which_time)
compare_baseline(pyuvsim_uvd, hera_sim_uvd, ant1, ant2, which_time)
def telescope_config(which_package, nant=2, nfreq=2, ntime=1, nsource=1):
Setup the configuration parameters for pyuvsim/hera_sim/healvis.
Different packages require different objects for simulation.
healvis not used here.
if which_package not in [ "hera_sim", "pyuvsim", "healvis" ]:
raise ValueError("Unknown package: "+which_package)
np.random.seed(10) # So we always get the same random values
# Random antenna locations
x = np.random.random(nant)*400 # Up to 400 metres
y = np.random.random(nant)*400
z = np.random.random(nant)
ants = {}
for i in range(nant):
ants[i] = ( x[i], y[i], z[i] )
# Observing parameters in a UVData object.
uvdata = io.empty_uvdata(
nfreq = nfreq, # Need 2 freqs for healvis to work
start_freq = 100e6,
channel_width = 97.3e3,
start_time = 2458902.4,
integration_time = 40.0,
ntimes = ntime,
ants = ants,
polarization_array = np.array([ "XX", "YY", "XY", "YX" ]),
Npols = 4
# Random sources.
sources = [
[ 125.7, -30.72, 2, 0 ], # Fix a source near zenith, which is at 130.7 -30.72
if nsource > 1: # Add random others
ra = 100+np.random.random(nsource-1)*50
dec = -10.72+np.random.random(nsource-1)*40
flux = np.random.random(nsource-1)*4
for i in range(nsource-1): sources.append([ ra[i], dec[i], flux[i], 0])
sources = np.array(sources)
# Source locations and frequencies.
ra_dec = np.deg2rad(sources[:, :2])
freqs = np.unique(uvdata.freq_array)
if which_package == "hera_sim":
# calculate source fluxes for hera_sim. pyuvsim does it a different way.
flux = (freqs[:,np.newaxis]/freqs[0])**sources[:,3].T*sources[:,2].T
beam_ids = list(ants.keys())
# Beam model. PerturbedPolyBeam, which is not symmetrical.
cfg_beam = dict(ref_freq=1.e8,
spectral_index = -0.6975,
perturb = True,
mainlobe_width = 0.3 ,
nmodes= 8,
beam_coeffs=[ 0.29778665, -0.44821433, 0.27338272,
-0.10030698, -0.01195859, 0.06063853,
-0.04593295, 0.0107879, 0.01390283,
-0.01881641, -0.00177106, 0.01265177,
-0.00568299, -0.00333975, 0.00452368,
0.00151808, -0.00593812, 0.00351559
] )
beam = [PerturbedPolyBeam(np.array([-0.20437532, -0.4864951, -0.18577532, -0.38053642, 0.08897764, 0.06367166,
0.29634711, 1.40277112]),
mainlobe_scale=1.0, xstretch=0.9, ystretch=0.8, **cfg_beam)
for i in range(len(ants.keys()))]
beam_dict = {}
for i in range(len(beam)): beam_dict[str(i)] = i
# That's enough for hera_sim, but extra objects are required for pyuvsim and healvis.
if which_package == "pyuvsim":
# Need a sky model.
# Stokes for the first frequency only. Stokes for other frequencies
# are calculated later.
stokes = np.zeros((4, 1, ra_dec.shape[0]))
stokes[0, 0] = sources[:, 2]
reference_frequency = np.full(len(ra_dec), freqs[0])
# Setup sky model.
sky_model = SkyModel(name=[ str(i) for i in range(len(ra_dec)) ],
ra=Longitude(ra_dec[:, 0], "rad"), dec=Latitude(ra_dec[:, 1], "rad"),
stokes =stokes,
reference_frequency=Quantity(reference_frequency, "Hz")
# Calculate stokes at all the frequencies.
sky_model.at_frequencies(Quantity(freqs, "Hz"), inplace=True)
if which_package == "healvis":
# Need a GSM model and an Observatory.
baselines = []
for i in range(len(ants)):
for j in range(i+1, len(ants)):
bl = hv.observatory.Baseline(ants[i], ants[j], i, j)
times = np.unique(uvdata.get_times("XX"))
obs_longitude = 21.4283055554
obs_height = 1073
# create the observatory
fov = 360 # Deg
obs = hv.observatory.Observatory(obs_latitude, obs_longitude, obs_height, array=baselines, freqs=freqs)
gsm = hv.sky_model.construct_skymodel('gsm', freqs=freqs, Nside=64)
# Return what is relevant for each package, pyuvsim or hera_sim
if which_package == "hera_sim":
return uvdata, beam, beam_dict, freqs, ra_dec, flux
elif which_package == "pyuvsim":
return uvdata, beam, beam_dict, sky_model
elif which_package == "healvis":
return obs, gsm
uvdata, beam, beam_dict, freqs, ra_dec, flux = telescope_config("hera_sim", nant=50, nfreq=50, ntime=1, nsource=50)
simulator = VisCPU(
uvdata = uvdata,
beams = beam,
beam_ids = list(beam_dict.values()),
sky_freqs = freqs,
point_source_pos = ra_dec,
point_source_flux = flux,
bm_pix = 20,
precision = 2
start = time.time()
hera_sim_time = time.time()-start
(The error message can be ignored, it's just because of zeros in unused values).
Run pyuvsim
Antennas: 50, Frequencies: 50, Times: 1, Sources: 50
uvdata, beam, beam_dict, sky_model = telescope_config("pyuvsim", nant=50, nfreq=50, ntime=1, nsource=50)
start = time.time()
pyuvsim_uvd = uvsim.run_uvdata_uvsim(uvdata, BeamList(beam), beam_dict=beam_dict,
pyuvsim_time = time.time()-start
Compare the results
compare(pyuvsim_uvd, simulator.uvdata, pyuvsim_time, hera_sim_time, ant1=0, ant2=1, which_freq=0, which_time=0)
RESULT : hera_sim is fast, but the output values don't match pyuvsim.
Run hera_sim using enhancements
Antennas: 50, Frequencies: 50, Times: 1, Sources: 50 (as before)
uvdata, beam, beam_dict, freqs, ra_dec, flux = telescope_config("hera_sim", nant=50, nfreq=50, ntime=1, nsource=50)
simulator = VisCPU(
uvdata = uvdata,
beams = beam,
beam_ids = list(beam_dict.values()),
sky_freqs = freqs,
point_source_pos = ra_dec,
point_source_flux = flux,
precision = 2,
# These parameters use the enhancements
split_I = True,
az_za_corrections=[ "level_2", "precompute", "uvbeam_az" ]
start = time.time()
herasim_time = time.time()-start
Brief explanation of the new parameters used:
split_I = True
We use unpolarized sources, and pyuvsim splits the source intensity between XX and YY pols.
hera_sim calculates one polarization ("XX") and uses the total intensity.
For hera_sim to match the pyuvsim output for XX, hera_sim must use half the input source
intensity. This option tells hera_sim to do that.
use_pixel_beams = False
Don't convert the beam to pixels. Calculate beam values from az/za.
az_za_corrections=[ "level_2", "precompute", "uvbeam_az" ]
- Use astropy to calculate az/za angles for beam interpolation using the most accurate method (level_2).
- Precompute az/za values for all times in the simulation.
- Apply the pyuvsim UVBeam correction to the azimuth. The azimuth gets rotated.
It is important to apply the UVBeam azimuth correction when using PerturbedPolyBeam, because the beam is not symmetrical.
The "precompute" option is important for hera_sim speed. hera_sim has a loop that recalculates the source az/za for every frequency. Since the source az/za doesn't change by frequency (not here anyway), this is unnecessary. The source az/za can be calculated once. It may be possible to precompute values in pyuvsim.
Use the previous pyuvsim result, which has the same configuration. Make the same comparisons as before. hera_sim visibilities now match pyuvsim.
compare(pyuvsim_uvd, simulator.uvdata, pyuvsim_time, hera_sim_time, ant1=0, ant2=1, which_freq=0, which_time=0)
The hera_sim values are so close to pyuvsim, that they can't be distinguished in the plot.
RESULT : hera_sim is 100s of times faster than pyusim for the same accuracy.
These demonstrate that the previous test case is not a "one off". Use different numbers of ants/frequencies/times/sources, and look at different values.
Different configuration. Antennas: 10, Frequencies: 120, Times: 10, Sources: 100.
Run hera_sim
uvdata, beam, beam_dict, freqs, ra_dec, flux = telescope_config("hera_sim", nant=10, nfreq=120, ntime=10, nsource=100)
simulator = VisCPU(
uvdata = uvdata,
beams = beam,
beam_ids = list(beam_dict.values()),
sky_freqs = freqs,
point_source_pos = ra_dec,
point_source_flux = flux,
split_I = True,
az_za_corrections=[ "level_2", "precompute", "uvbeam_az" ],
precision = 2
start = time.time()
herasim_time = time.time()-start
Run pyuvsim
uvdata, beam, beam_dict, sky_model = telescope_config("pyuvsim", nant=10, nfreq=120, ntime=10, nsource=100)
start = time.time()
pyuvsim_uvd = uvsim.run_uvdata_uvsim(uvdata, BeamList(beam), beam_dict=beam_dict,
pyuvsim_time = time.time()-start
compare(pyuvsim_uvd, simulator.uvdata, pyuvsim_time, hera_sim_time, ant1=5, ant2=7, which_freq=100, which_time=3)
RESULT : hera_sim still fast and accurate.
Antennas: 20, Frequencies: 4, Times: 100, Sources: 1000.
Run hera_sim
uvdata, beam, beam_dict, freqs, ra_dec, flux = telescope_config("hera_sim", nant=20, nfreq=4, ntime=100, nsource=1000)
simulator = VisCPU(
uvdata = uvdata,
beams = beam,
beam_ids = list(beam_dict.values()),
sky_freqs = freqs,
point_source_pos = ra_dec,
point_source_flux = flux,
split_I = True,
az_za_corrections=[ "level_2", "precompute", "uvbeam_az" ],
precision = 2
start = time.time()
herasim_time = time.time()-start
Run pyuvsim
uvdata, beam, beam_dict, sky_model = telescope_config("pyuvsim", nant=20, nfreq=4, ntime=100, nsource=1000)
start = time.time()
pyuvsim_uvd = uvsim.run_uvdata_uvsim(uvdata, BeamList(beam), beam_dict=beam_dict,
pyuvsim_time = time.time()-start
compare(pyuvsim_uvd, simulator.uvdata, pyuvsim_time, hera_sim_time, ant1=4, ant2=18, which_freq=3, which_time=40)
RESULT : hera_sim still fast and accurate.
Each parameter (antennas/frequencies/times/sources) is scaled up while holding the others constant.
For each parameter there will be two plots:
The number of antennas will be plotted as the number of baselines.
Simulations were run on ILIFU in South Africa. No MPI is used, these are all serial runs. The maximum allowed run time was 72 hours. The maximum allowed memory was 232GB. Some pyuvsim runs failed to complete because of these limits. That will be seen in the plots, where the pyuvsim plot does not extend over the complete x-axis range.
Simulation time
As hera_sim is not visibile in this plot, I show the same plot but clipped on the y-axis:
Memory usage
Simulation time
Memory usage
Simulation time
Memory usage
Simulation time
Memory usage