HERA aims to train the next generation of scientists in the field by involving large numbers of undergraduate, graduate, and postdoctoral researchers in every aspect of the experiment.The CHAMP (CAMPARE-H ERA Astronomy Minority Partnership) program is an experience that connects HERA scientists with students from underrepresented groups in STEM research through summer research opportunities. CHAMP builds on a partnership with the California Arizona Minority Partnership for Astronomy Research and Education (CAMPARE) program, which has been highly successful at providing mentoring and research opportunities for underrepresented STEM students from a network of 23 California State University and California Community campuses. The CHAMP summer experience also combines the CAMPARE program with a South African (SA) exchange program; students from South Africa and California to work together and with HERA team members.
The CHAMP summer program consists of an annual 10-week summer experience shared by the undergraduate CHAMP scholars and SA graduate students. The summers begin with a week-long crash course in radio astronomy, taught by HERA researchers. Students then spend 9 weeks at one of the HERA member universities doing research. The program concludes with an end-of-summer research symposium at Cal Poly Pomona where participants present their work.
Though 2017 marks the inaugural year of the CHAMP program, students from CAMPARE and from the SA exchange program have participated in summer research experience with HERA the past two years with successful results. The continuation of CHAMP alongside HERA’s up-and-coming growth and scientific promise will have a significant impact on both next generation scientists and radio astronomy.